Thursday, September 15, 2011

THE DOUBLE BONANZA - Make Money with VitoPharma’s “Products Up For Grabs” Offer!

Dear Affiliates – Here Comes the Much Awaited Offer Again For a Sales Bonanza!
Cash in more conversions, Generate Greater Traffic and maximize sales!

Speeding ahead in the herbal field, VitoPharma has presented the best in herbal health care to its customers and affiliates.

The Deal of the Day: CROCMINT is up with it AGAIN!! limited offer promotion that allows customers to purchase any of the products on-site and receive a free bottle of any of the following products....
NoFlam, VitoLiv, VitoSlim, Acai Ultima

It’s now that Time Again to Reap the Rewards of Our Success... Get Value in Return of Every Product You Sell...

On Purchase of any product at Vitopharma, and the official sites of VitoLiv, VitoSlim, NoFlam and Acai Ultima - Shoppers can avail of the FREE Gifts’ mentioned on the site!!!

A Closer Look At the offer on the Horizon & its multiple benefits: Customers will enjoy better health with VitoPharma’s "Products Up For Grabs" offer! Satisfy your health needs with this limited offer. The products that VitoPharma offers as gifts are very essential and inevitable in today's day and time. With the advancement of lifestyle and dietary changes, people easily fall prey to some of the most common lifestyle disorders; obesity, arthritis and liver problems. The leading herbal solution provided helps you save your life, health and money in a smarter way without side-effects.

The offer of a free bottle will help affiliates increase the sale of products; earn better conversions, and more commission earnings. As much as you sell, you will earn more and receive fruitful rewards. The websites are the highest converting ones to enable the affiliates to maximize their traffic revenue.

Here’s your opportunity now to earn more commission… so get started and optimize your success.

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